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February 2014

February: A month for lovers - and art lovers!

This is the month of St Valentine and it might be an idea to take a loved one to an art gallery. Forget the hushed reverential tones of the older-style traditional galleries; the two of you could go for the more friendly atmosphere of one of the smaller, newer venues whose ethos is intimacy not intimidation. The owners of these new galleries recognize that a growing market exists among people who do not wish to be excluded. This new market is composed of intelligent people who reject the older-style establishments. This is also the ethos of Cassone . We wish to bring art to as many people as possible, through our accessible, enjoyable and informative content. We often feature announcements of shows in small, innovative London galleries - remember to check our Art News through the month for details.

An embracing, democratic view is also seen in the writing of Charlotte and Peter Fiell , who co-write...

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